hard limits
Below you will find all the things that I do not offer. It is very important to understand, accept and memorize my hard limits. This is the foundation of consensual, safe BDSM. Just because you’ve read a blog post of mine, watched a clip or chatted with me about something on OnlyFans or SextPanther does not mean that I offer that in person, to the general public. If you are here reading this, that means that you are likely a perfect stranger to me. You, like everyone else, start at zero. You are not entitled to anything from me in the same way that I am not entitled to anything from you.
Just because you’ve seen something in a clip, doesn’t mean I will do it with you. Just because you’ve assumed that I offer certain things in sessions, doesn’t mean that I do. There is a hard line between fantasy and reality. Go forward attentively and read carefully as I explicitly state the things that I do not offer. If you mention any of the following things while applying for an in person session with me, I will block you.

Fulfilling fantasies is a serendipitous side effect of what I offer. I do not identify as a performer or model, I think of myself as a person who provides a safe place to learn about sexual submission. I’m low-key the Control Freak Whisperer. I don’t offer customized fantasies, I offer the opportunity to learn how to relinquish control, to sit as a guest in my world and to receive lighthearted, kinky guidance from an experienced practictioner of BDSM. You can read more about what I do offer here.