Mean Girl Bully

Read time: 1 minute.

Fetishes come from somewhere real, somewhere hidden, some place that needs the sweetness of our sexuality to dilute the bitterness of the dark.  It moves first through the filter of our sexuality, then into our periphery.  From there we can choose to bring it into the foreground or let it dance in the corner of our eyes forever.

​Luna & I had an amazing session this past week with someone who had been bullied in High School.  He wanted us to dress like bratty teenage girls, teasing and verbally humiliating him while we deprived him of oxygen and spit in his face.  There's a big difference between a contrived fantasy and a deep kink.  Both are lovely, the later is breathtaking to witness.  I knew how to exact the difference out of this submissive, I asked "What did they call you?"  His immediate look of shame and down-cast gaze made my eyes dilate like a predator that just caught a glimpse of it's dinner.  That weak spot.  That dark place.  I'm in.

We proceeded to have an awesome session, genuinely making each other laugh at this guy’s expense.  We even waited until mid session to "steal his lunch money" aka the session fee.  He bounded into the other room so fast to grab his wallet, Luna & I howled with laughter.

After he left, I got a nice text from him saying that the whole session was amazing but his favourite part might've been standing at the elevator afterwards listening to us burst into genuine laughter down the hall after he had left.  These are my favourite kind of sessions.

More about erotic, mean-girl bully sessions here.

Bastienne Cross

Experienced, professional Dominatrix and lifestyle kinkster, Bastienne Cross is a FemDom content creator in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Mentioned in the Huffington Post and a featured author on the ‘best blog reel’ on, Bastienne values quality and a sense of humour in all aspects of her practice, inside and outside of the dungeon.



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