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Nurse Roleplay

Welcome to the Medical Clinic of Professional Dominatrix and just general Meanie Bo Beanie, Nurse Bastienne! Role playing the caretaker from hell and igniting all those troped-out nurse fantasies in a delightful, playfully sadistic new way.

Medical Fetish

Experience one of my ‘therapeutic’ ball massages, detoxifying you from your own weakness or will to lead. Patient’s occasionally require heavy bondage and a breath test, using my unconventional, but highly arousing, facesitting technique. Let’s test out those lungs of yours!

The harder skills of medical play evade me, I’m all about the role play! There’s few roles I can truly drop into and naturally inhabit but Naughty Nurse is definitely one of them. I love pairing this play with some of my specialties, like ballbusting, tickling or smothering.

I’m not a doctor, I just play one in your mind. Man, there’s something so fun about confidently administering faulty medical advice. It emulates the experience of an actual doctor’s visit perfectly to me. They look at their clipboard and tell you to drink water and sleep at night and you override the part of your brain that says, “What the fuck? I already knew that”, instead you just politely, silently nod along. Authority is fun - give it to me.

Arousal is best paired with pain and my medical treatments can be very .. invasive. Don’t worry, I’ll lock the door and make sure no one sees the extra sweet medicine I administer with each treatment.

Here’s an excerpt from my blog…

‘The Best Medicine’

As a new patient, I'd like to welcome you to my practice. I've helped countless patients find relief and I'm excited to help you do the same. My methods have been considered "unconventional", perhaps even extreme, but they are always highly effective and that is my primary concern. Relief is my prime focus, alleviating clients of symptoms such as freedom, superiority, willpower, autonomy and an inclination to control. Using my renowned, in-depth assessment methods, I will quickly diagnose your symptoms & begin treatment immediately.

Be advised: Persistent cases may require several treatments.

I specialize in Men's Prostate Health, Gender/Sex Re-Assignment, Annual Check Ups & Medical Waste Management. Upon contacting me for treatment, please advise me which of my procedures you are interested in…

Continue reading in Bastienne’s BDSM Blog…


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