Bastienne Cross • Toronto Dominatrix

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24 Hours Notice For Sessions

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I've toyed with my booking procedure enough to know exactly what works for me, yields the best scenes & attracts the best clients.  I'm an introvert, I value my alone time very highly and need to plan ahead in order to assure I get enough of it.  When I host sessions, I truly give it my all, before, during & after.  I pride myself on investing my full energy into creating scenes that excite me while also enveloping the kinks of my guest.  It's a creative process, one that I find challenging and invigorating.

​I would make more money if I offered same day bookings but I don't want more money, I want great scenes.  This is an important distinction I've made through trial & error.  My experiences have informed my booking process and the one I use currently has served me well.

Treat my booking process the same way you would any other professional service.  If you attempt to exempt yourself from any of my requirements, I'll assume you're not a respectful person in general and wish you the best before moving on.  Advising me of your very busy schedule or your successful entrepreneurship which precludes you from booking ahead serves two important functions, it tells me that:

A)  You lack respect for MY business.
B)  You're deceptive. 

So having a busy schedule or owning a business truly prevents you from booking appointments in advance?  Cool.  Let me see your calendar.  Are all the days empty besides today?  Didn't think so.  This would mean you never make it to the dentist, you're not capable of planning business meetings ahead of time, you're not able to make it to people's birthdays or plan vacations.  What a sad, erratic existence. 

The fact is, if something is important, you make time for it.  If it's not that important or something you'd like to fit in at the last minute if you've got free time, I get it but that means we're not compatible.  I plan ahead, I show up, I give it my all, please do the same.