Bastienne Cross Bastienne Cross

How to Prep for Pegging

How to prep your sweet booty for a pegging scene.

Read time: 2 minutes. Audio available with a subscription on Substack.

When prepping for a pegging scene, my best advice is to listen to your body. You know your body best, if you feel a little full then you probably are. Use an enema bulb a couple hours before your session, I prefer this one. Flush yourself out a couple times until the water is essentially clear. I run room temperature water then squeeze the air out of the bulb before suctioning the running water into it. You'll have to do this a few times to get the enema bulb full. Use Vaseline, or any lubricant, to insert the bulb and squirt the water inside. Make sure that the bulb is as full of water as possible (you don't want to pump air into your butt) and make sure that the water is room temperature, the skin inside your rectum is super thin and sensitive, don't burn yourself. Then you sit on the toilet and release! You can do this as many times as you need to.

Also, mind what you eat on the day before your session. You know what disrupts your digestive system the most so generally avoid those foods 12-24 hours prior to a pegging session. For many that includes dairy, spicy foods and sometimes carbs. Some people even fast for 12-24 hours before their session or eat very lightly. That's entirely up to you, some people find it very difficult to fast (myself included) so you do what works best for your body. No professional wants you starving yourself and showing up to a session hungry and tired so do what works best for you.

That's it. the main take-aways are to: 1) Get a feel for your body and 2) Get an enema bulb and give yourself a few flushes prior to your scene.  Remember, as long as you do your anal prep and show up freshly showered for your session, who ever you've chosen to see for this service, appreciates the effort. There's no fool proof way of ensuring zero mess and as a service provider we all 100% understand and except this. If we weren't cool with the chance of a little mess, we simply wouldn't be in this line of work or offering this service. Be considerate of your hygiene and then ...relax. For more detailed instructions, refer to the illustration below. Stay Fresh ;)

Audio version with more info here!

Or check out my pegging skills in action here!

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Bastienne Cross Bastienne Cross

Halloween Duos

The whole month of October is a witchy, kink-filled celebration with two FemDom sorceresses.

Read time: 3 minutes


You're invited to our Halloween party! Yes, you.

You're the first person to arrive and, by the looks of things, not the last. There's enough food here to feed 30 people. Generally you've known these women to be intimidating and somewhat indifferent with you so seeing this new, domestic side of your hosts is surprisingly comforting. Initial nerves are subsiding and you find a spot to park while you chat with your hosts.

You accept the offer of a drink and you're beyond excited for a few minutes of quality time before the other guests arrive. As Bastienne presents you with your drink, she motions for you to sip it first, feeding it to you as she tips your glass up. The liquid hits your lips before it pours down your chest, soaking through your shirt.

"Oh my god! What are you doing??" Bastienne squeals.

You apologize profusely and your face flushes but the last of their eye rolls are complete, they've moved on to chatting about the snacks. Your host picks up a hard candy, unwraps it and offers it to Bastienne, placing it in her open mouth. As you watch this, seemingly innocent feeding, you feel blood rush to your member, the familiar feeling of arousal. Bastienne catches your eye, "Tastes so good, want to try it?".  You nod and she sticks out her tongue showing you the wet candy, glistening in her mouth. "Open" she says then spits the used candy at your face as she stares you down.  Bastienne bursts out with a loud laugh. The thought occurs to you that perhaps you should defend yourself against this disrespectful treatment but the pulsing in the front of your pants won't allow that.

In fact, you start to think about what else you would be willing to consume.

Your mind is pulled out of the gutter and back into reality when someone asks if you want to try some of her Jello Mold. She's holding a spoonful of black, jiggly jello, smiling at you, waiting for your response. "Sure", you respond, reaching out for the spoon. Bastienne promptly knocks your arm down, catching your wrist. "Not entirely confident we can trust you to feed yourself". They giggle as one holds your arms and the other force feeds you dessert, making a mess all over your face and body.

The next hour is an absolute sensory assault.

You're out of breath and your body is wet and sticky with melted chocolate and beads of candy. By this point you have all four of their feet permanently etched in your memory after being forced to consume a thorough sampling of Halloween treats off of every inch of them. You recall them laughing hysterically as they took turns smashing whip cream into your face with the full weight of their bodies sitting on your face. Being offered some apple juice to wash it all down as they pull their costumes aside and release into your mouth.

Showered, dressed and standing in the cold autumn night outside, you realize, they're was never a party. There were no other guests. They just wanted to MindFuck you. With your pants feeling extra tight and a goofy smirk on your face, you swirl your tongue around your teeth and catch one last remnant of candy.

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Your body appears in the darkness, a sacrifice. A string of synapses waiting for permission to rest. The perpetual rhythm, suspended, at the peak of your deepest inhale. A full life lived in the moment between thoughts.

Your silent offering is our SUBMISSIVE SACRIFICE.

Deliberate & Meditative, we divest you of your trophies of comfort, minimized to your most sensitive form. Void of clothing, sounds, words, sight or faculty of your limbs, this is your Erotic Override. A chance to submerge into the cosmic femininity of this season, observing the ever thinning veil between your mind and our will. Our immersive conditioning will find you sleepily grasping at control in the dark, only to have each of your fingers carefully relieved, coaxed back to rest like a sleepwalking child.

The astronomical midpoint between the autumn equinox and winter solstice is the end of the pagan year. A festival of Darkness & Fire. The cold winter that lies ahead represents death & isolation, warm yourself by the fire of our ceremony. Align yourself with the virtue of our instincts. We will bathe you in fire, cleansing you of control, whispering in rounds until you are pure.

We are the ancestors of witches. Experience our Practice.

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Bastienne Cross Bastienne Cross


My first time trying hypnosis left me feeling vulnerable.

Read time: 3 minutes.

I close my eyes, as directed. 

"What do you hear?" she asks. 

"The dogs playing, the air conditioner in the bedroom, you moving around on the chair," I respond.  A distant yet familiar feeling immediately presents itself under the darkness of my eyelids.  The thoughts slide into my mind, involuntarily.  The hope that my answer was correct, the fear of disappointing her, the familiar discomfort of vulnerability.  I feel a bit silly for succumbing so quickly and pull myself back, comforting myself with the understanding that my eyes are simply closed, nothing to fear.

"What else can you hear?" she asks as she begins slowly walking across the hardwood floor.  "Your high heels on the floor," I respond, trying to sound confident, still hoping that's the right answer.  "I need you to see with your ears, see me walking through the room," she says in her low, calming voice.  With that directive, I can see her.  The dark of my eyelids are lit up with the projection of her walking back & forth in my living room, my mind happily grants me the visual.  I can feel the arms of the chair under my hands, my legs touching each other, I wonder what my face looks like.  My mind starts to wander, musing over what it would be like to be blind, senses heightened, I can feel it.  I concentrate on the visual of her walking back & forth, though I lose track of where she is in the room.  My ears are trying to work as eyes but they're failing, I'm descending into the sensations of my body, the consistency of the shoes, walking across the floor.

I feel something in front of me, the rhythm of her pacing has stopped and I realize, she's here.  I can see a version of her face but it's washed out, almost like a watercolour, swirling as my mind struggles to generate an accurate image.  It suddenly becomes clear that there's no sense in holding on to the memory of the outside world and I immediately, involuntarily feel a release.  I melt into the dreamlike version my mind is presenting.  I realize she's been talking in that low, gentle voice this whole time. 

My inner narrative and her voice are speaking directly to each other. 

I witness her speaking to my inner world and I realize the beauty of this offer; I don't need words, I don't need eyes, I just need to surrender.  I'm seeing with my ears as she begins an inventory.  A gentle, methodical inventory.  I watch her speaking to my fears, pulling them out of the darkness.  As she gently pushes my body, she calls out to the corners of my mind. 

She is the authority and I am a witness.

There's a space now between my thoughts and the outside world and this is where she has positioned herself, my advocate.  She invites the negative thoughts, the doubts, the insecurity, the anger & fear to show themselves.  She calmly gathers them in this space and my mind can see her standing up to them on my behalf, all the things I couldn't face alone.  She assesses them objectively and decides that these things are not needed.  She turns around and invites me to banish them.  Her watercolour face asks my body to take action, a simple action to complete the work that she has just done.  As I stir from my stillness, I feel tears in my eyes and I act.  I banish them with a breath.  I step into the space that she created, replacing the watercolour version of her and now, I'M the advocate. 

The watercolour room becomes more vibrant, more solid and I open my eyes to the most caring, beautiful face looking at me.  I burst out crying and she immediately wraps me in a big hug.  In the quiet of the room and the visceral comfort of this connection I realize..

THIS is FemDom.

There is no strength comparable to this.  Steadfast compassion, quiet acceptance and kindness; these are simply the most valuable of human traits.  What a sorely needed reminder for me in my practice of BDSM.   I've recently been immersing myself, deeply, in humiliation based kinks and relishing in the cesspool of disgust and power they elicit in me.  I've been fueling recent scenes with genuine anger and I've lost my sense of balance.  True power is not physically or psychologically beating someone into submission.  True power is holding the most valuable thing in your hands and choosing to share it.  Every woman has this power within them, from the day they are born, until the day they die.  We are always the advocates of whatever form of power we choose. 

​Choose wisely.

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Bastienne Cross Bastienne Cross

My Love of Ballbusting Has Intensified

Inspired by meeting my partner, a ballbusting submissive, this is a love letter to one of my favourite kinks.

Read time: 1 minute

It's like being underwater for just a little too long, seeing the surface from below and realizing you're already out of breath as you float up, just a little too slow.  Your chest becomes concave & panic sets in.  There's the panic inside and there's the stillness outside.  The stillness & weight of the whole ocean holding you, an apathetic witness to your pain.  You're somehow aware of this stillness and the futility of your fear, even in the midst of the thousand fire alarms going off in your head.  ​

​The place where the water divides from the air becomes a fantasy, a day dream, as you draw closer in slow motion.  As you surface, your body draws in the most primal breath you've ever experienced.  This automated function has earned an amazing new level of gratitude from you, a new level of meaning.  You've been forcefully ejected from the mindless pattern you were in & suddenly find yourself in a new, beautiful world.  The ocean is warm & kindly embraces you, holding you to the surface, the place you were dreaming about.  The sun is bright & feels as though it will never set again.  You can taste the salt on your lips and you have no thoughts, just an overwhelming gratitude, a relief, a feeling of sinking back into the perfection of your painless body.

You are here.  You are alive.

I am the ocean.

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Bastienne Cross Bastienne Cross

I’m Into Everything

When it comes to BDSM, no one is into everything and that’s okay.

Read time: 1 minute

I smirk as I ask the man sipping my golden latte in a busy coffee shop, "So what are you into?" 

"I'm into pretty much everything" he responds with a smile.

SIGH.  I used to get excited when I got this answer, now I just feel irritated.  I've come to identify this response as the hallmark of the under-prepared novice.

I reply, "Cool, I LOVE ballbusting".

"Oh, not sure I'm ready for that!  Actually I'm not really into pain that much".  he replies.

Wah.  WAH.  You're not into pain yet here you sit with a Sadist.  You're into everything yet you won't let me kick you in the balls.  You want to "lose control" yet you have a very precise idea of what you want that I'm suppose to tease out of you.  That's fine, I will do that, I will cycle through fetishes you don't like and find the ones you do but this is your warning:  that is a very expensive way to get your kinky needs met.

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Bastienne Cross Bastienne Cross

Sounds of My Sissy

He sounds like a girl and I like it. Training a sissy to sound like the perfect, fuckable, little blow up doll.

Read time: 1 minute.

You may not know this about me but I've got a sweet spot in my heart for sissies.  Like many fetishes, its origins are confusing.  Part of me loves the fact that a man is drawn to emulate a woman, they could do anything they want in the sexual spectrum and they choose to feminize themselves.  It's like a roundabout compliment in a way.  The other part of me resents that this is done as an act of humiliation for some.  Done behind closed doors, an embarrassing secret.  I suppose my role is to meld these two perspectives, to coax and seduce the sissy out from the darkness of shame and into the beauty and power of femininity.

I had an amazing session with my favourite sissy, let's call him Danielle.  He usually has a lovely, deep, soothing voice but that won't do for a sissy at all.  I dressed him in lingerie, blindfolded him and tied him to the bed.  Danielle is resistant to his nature so the restraints were more of a psychological aid than anything.  Danielle tries to revert to vanilla/hetero normative behaviour regularly, although he just doesn't belong there.  I want Danielle to come out and be my girlfriend, I want us to bask in feminine energy together and leave behind the ideas of what sex should look like.. and sound like.

With Danielle fully fixated on the sounds around him, I demonstrate.  I start playing with myself beside him, this is what a woman sounds like when she's turned on, beckoning arousal from others with her breath and subtle noises.  Danielle's turn.  She's resistant, giggling, uncomfortable.  Her laughter is met with my big, pink dildo being forced into her mouth.  Try again.  Danielle works well with discipline, she doesn't love gagging on that dildo with no way to resist, moaning seems the better option now.  She moans and I direct her to beg me.  Beg me to rub her wet clit so she can cum, cum with that nice, pink cock in her mouth.  It's all about positive association.  If she associates the positive sensation of an orgasm with the feeling of my strap on deep in her throat, she'll soon start to crave my cock all the time.  Just like I wanted.

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Bastienne Cross Bastienne Cross

Shelby’s Session Review

Shelby the sissy has a lot of nice things to say about me.

Read time: 2 minutes.

Introducing Shelby, a favourite little, sissy pet of mine.  She wrote this amazing description of our latest session.  Enjoy ... ​

Becoming Shelby.

I’ve seen Miss Bastienne quite a few times now (one could say I’m obsessed) and though every session with her is incredible, I felt an inspiration to share the phenomenal experience of our most recent rendezvous. We had talked about branding me before and today was the day I would get my sissy name from my Mistress. Once I was naked and vulnerable, I kneeled in place awaiting instructions from my owner. She looked absolutely beautiful as she always does and, as always, the moment she enters the room I’m mush. 

She starts off by petting her very eager slave and even mentions how happy and excited I look. She commands me to follow her down the hall and leads me into the room where our fun often takes place. She forces me to bend over the loveseat as she finds the perfect outfit for her slut to wear. She begins humiliating me with the most dominant yet playful Cuckold talk and explains everything she’s going to force me to do for the amusement of my Master and Mistress. Once I’m dressed in sissy attire Miss Bastienne reminds me of my safe words, she is truly just as caring as she is cruel. She begins by spanking me with her hands and proceeds to use different tools of the trade. The result was a stinging pink ass, but just hearing my beautiful mistress laugh made all the pain and discomfort worth it. She lubed up my sissy pussy and put a butt plug in me to make sure I was ready for her strap on. I was then granted permission to worship her feet and I must say though I started this journey being into any and all feet, there are no feet comparable to those belonging to Miss Bastienne. They are always incredibly soft and she always has the most pleasant aromas throughout her home and on herself. Still bent over with my panties slightly below my ass, she brings my face to her strap on. She begins by telling me to show her what I’m going to be doing for her boyfriend. I apologize for the length and constant segues but to truly appreciate these reviews you have to understand Miss Bastienne does not fake anything …her passion is genuine and her bubbly enthusiasm is contagious. She’s not a domme that has to force anything and her creativity comes so natural.

​After forcing her cock down my throat and thoroughly cleaning her feet with my tongue, she announces that she has chosen her sissy’s new name. She simply says “Shelby” and as humiliating as it was, to be branded by my Mistress was to be complete. Once I was named and officially her slut she began to slowly work her way into my sissy pussy with her strap on. Always hesitant at first it took a couple of pumps and groans but my Mistress was fully inside me. She is a master with her cock and every second of it was pure pleasure. She assumed a position I had never even imagined and was so deep inside me I was producing cum without even being fully hard or touched. Her rhythm kept me on constant edge and the position even allowed her to shove her feet in my face. I was in heaven and once she knew I was at my tipping point, still deep inside me, I received the command: “Cum for me”. The feeling started at the very tips of my fingers and toes, I was in a blissful nirvana detached from the world for a mere matter of seconds. Suddenly I feel the fingers of my Mistress covered in my sissy load being shoved into my mouth. It was a slap back to reality and I lapped my own juices own like an eager puppy. The taste was salty but as I said before…hearing her laugh makes it all worth it.


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Bastienne Cross Bastienne Cross


There’s nothing I want to fuck harder than your mind. Golden, puppy play and one meanie-bo-beanie.

Read time: 1 minute.

As I wrapped his hands in duct tape I tell him that if he wants to act like an animal, I'll happily treat him like one.

"You want to make me happy don't you?"

"Yes Mistress"

"Puppies make me happy"

"Yes Mistress"

​I wrap the tape around his new paws a few times, I love the sound of duct tape stretching laid over the whimpers of a grown man.  I slip my leather belt around his neck as a make shift collar & leash. Everyone knows that training a puppy takes patience and mommy isn't feeling very patient today.

"You want to go outside?" I ask in a high, excited voice. "You wanna go pee-pee outside?"  He whimpers in agreement as I lead him to the bathroom.  I position him in the bath tub on all fours and scoot him to the back, making room for myself to stand. 

"Okay, we're outside now, I show you what I want you to do" I explain as I pull my panties to the side and relieve myself in front of his face.  He's panting as I step out of the tub.  I'm training him to clean me up when I make a mess so I extend my leg and lead his face to my inner thighs.  "Lick it up".  His tongue tries to wander further up, I smack him and with a stern "Bad dog" he learns an important boundary.  Like I said, Mommy doesn't have patience for nonsense today.

I'm coaxing him, asking him to be a good boy and pee for me.  He seems to be nervous so I wait, telling him to relax and lift his leg like a filthy dog.  Finally it starts, a steady stream of urine passing his duct taped paws into the drain.  When he's done, I lean down and whisper in his ear, "Does it look like we're outside?".  He goes silent and still, trying to determine the appropriate response.  I ask him again, "Does it look we're fucking outside?  Did you just piss in my house, you little shit?".  The whimpering resumes at a higher, faster pace.  I slip the belt off  his neck, double it over itself and hold it in my right hand as I grab the back of his head with the left, shoving his disobedient face into his own piss.  "Bad dog!  BAD dog!". 

I begin beating his ass with my thick leather belt as he whimpers in pain.  I left some lovely marks on his ass, a reminder of his training for the days to come.

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Bastienne Cross Bastienne Cross

Mean Girl Bully

Schoolgirl bully is one of my favourite roles to inhabit. Here’s a glimpse into one of my favourite sessions.

Read time: 1 minute.

Fetishes come from somewhere real, somewhere hidden, some place that needs the sweetness of our sexuality to dilute the bitterness of the dark.  It moves first through the filter of our sexuality, then into our periphery.  From there we can choose to bring it into the foreground or let it dance in the corner of our eyes forever.

​Luna & I had an amazing session this past week with someone who had been bullied in High School.  He wanted us to dress like bratty teenage girls, teasing and verbally humiliating him while we deprived him of oxygen and spit in his face.  There's a big difference between a contrived fantasy and a deep kink.  Both are lovely, the later is breathtaking to witness.  I knew how to exact the difference out of this submissive, I asked "What did they call you?"  His immediate look of shame and down-cast gaze made my eyes dilate like a predator that just caught a glimpse of it's dinner.  That weak spot.  That dark place.  I'm in.

We proceeded to have an awesome session, genuinely making each other laugh at this guy’s expense.  We even waited until mid session to "steal his lunch money" aka the session fee.  He bounded into the other room so fast to grab his wallet, Luna & I howled with laughter.

After he left, I got a nice text from him saying that the whole session was amazing but his favourite part might've been standing at the elevator afterwards listening to us burst into genuine laughter down the hall after he had left.  These are my favourite kind of sessions.

More about erotic, mean-girl bully sessions here.

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Bastienne Cross Bastienne Cross

From Vanilla to Here

My first blog post!

Read time: Infinite ❤️ thank you for coming back this far. This is my 1st post written as Bastienne in August 2017…

From Vanilla to Peanut Butter Crunch... 

When I started selling my panties online 3 years ago, I had no idea it would lead me here. Power has always been at the heart of my sexuality, it just took a little prompting for me fully accept that. Thankfully I've always attracted submissive men, although I didn't always know what to do with them...

Here's to accepting yourself, forcing beauty upon any situation and having fun in the process!  

Thanks for visiting my journal, stay tuned.


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